Double Jump with Key Debouncing
Here's a quick way to enable a Double Jump feature in your MPAGD platform games. It also includes a key debounce
Double Jump with Key Debouncing
Let's create a deadly MPAGD Acid Drop
How to add a loading screen to your MPAGD game
Let's add a Difficulty Level setting to our game
The Super Efficient HUD
Let's create a Grabber
Let's add pushable crates we can jump on to reach higher
Let's stun an enemy by bouncing on his head...and 3 times for a kill!
Create a cannon that fires bouncy cannonballs
How to do Bonus item drops and flashy banner messages in MPAGD
Simple Switches for your MPAGD Games
Creating patterns for static nasties in MPAGD
Creating Crusher/Lifts with MPAGD
Creating proximity triggered falling nasties in MPAGD
Horizontal moving platforms in MPAGD
What is MPAGD? Multi-Platform Arcade Games Designer